eye pattern -  signal integrity analysis

Create Winning SBIRs Through Partnerships with EWI

The small business innovation research (SBIR) program is a multi-billion dollar grant project that is administered by the United States Small Business Administration Office of Technology. Each year, dedicated funding from various research institutes from the Department of Commerce, Department of Defense, Department of Health & Human Services and others, are awarded to technology driven small businesses across the United States.  The SBIR grants are intended to encourage competitive research amongst America's small businesses and to foster "home-grown" innovation. Small businesses with compelling and innovative ideas have the potential of receiving grants in three different phases. Funding from each phase of the SBIR project is designed to help the small business develop its technology and eventually bring its novel ideas to maturity through commercialization of the final product.

East-West Innovation (EWI) is involved in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program and is seeking new strategic partners to collaborate on upcoming SBIR phase I, phase II or phase III funding efforts. Please contact East-West Innovation if

We can delve into detailed discussions and strategies on the co-development efforts leading to a successful SBIR joint venture. We are open to all technology development needs from any of the 11 major SBIR federal agencies.

East-West Innovation Capabilities Summary

East-West Innovation is a woman-owned company specializing in circuit-level and board-level hardware design and development. EWI has had extensive experience designing for the Aerospace & Defense, Computing and Telecommunications industries. In addition, the EWI team has a proven track record in the successful productization and high volume production of key commercial products.  Our engineering team maintains a comprehensive portfolio of inventions that comprise of over 35 patents in electrical and electronics design. Furthermore, our strong background in hardware development entail expertise in ultra-precision analog circuit design and signal integrity.   A more detailed list of our capabilities is provided below.